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snippet: Macaronesia MarSP Atlas viewer
summary: Macaronesia MarSP Atlas viewer
extent: [[-179,-88],[179,88]]
accessInformation: The Universidad de Sevilla and the MarSP Project must be cited at any document webpage and other digital support, in which some part or all information here exposed is included.
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Data viewer that shows the information integrated in the Macaronesia MarSP Atlas viewer. This Altas is a product of MarSP Project (Macaronesian Maritime Spatial Planning. EASME/EMFF/2016/ and it’s a fundamental tool to promote the crossborder cooperation in Macaronesia. The editor is Dr. Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero. Universidad de Sevilla. This viewer has been development by IDEO(IEO) in 2019 in the framework of MarSP Project. The purpose of the Atlas and of the viewer is to afford users an information platform with maps, statistical data and other complementary information that encourages users to learn about maritime scenarios, to view them and form opinions about them. The Atlas and therefore the viewer allow knowing the territorial dimensión of the political-jurisdictional, administrative and socio-economic aspect about the maritime space of Macaronesia that shape the occupation and use of this medium.
licenseInfo: All copyrights of the information shows in this viewer correspond to Universidad de Sevilla and MarSP Project, in accordance with the spanish Law of Intelectual Property 23/2008, 7 of july, Decree Royal 1/1996 of 12 of april.
title: atlasmarsp
type: Map Service
tags: ["Macaronesia","MarSP","Atlas"]
culture: es-ES
name: atlasmarsp
guid: A147C851-517D-4583-A4D0-C51B0BEEF07B
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere